Climesync - TimeSync Front End on the Command Line

Climesync is a command line interface to the Pymesync frontend for the OSU Open Source Lab's TimeSync API.

Climesync currently supports the following versions of the TimeSync API:

  • v0

Install Climesync

To install Climesync from git, run the following commands:

$ git clone && cd climesync
$ python install

Running Climesync

Once the virtualenv has been created and all of the required Python packages have been installed, you can run climesync with

$ climesync

Climesync also accepts several optional command line arguments

-c <URL>, --connect <URL>
 Connect to a TimeSync server on startup
-u <username>, --user <username>
 Attempt to authenticate on startup with the given username
-p <password>, --password <password>
 Attempt to authenticate on startup with the given password

Since server information and user credentials can be specified in multiple places (See Climesync Configuration below), these values are prioritized in the following order:

User input inside program > Command line arguments > Configuration file values

Interactive Mode

Through an interactive shell, users have the following options:

Connect to a TimeSync server
Disconnect from a TimeSync server
Sign in to the TimeSync server
Sign out from the TimeSync server

Once connected and authenticated, the following options are available:

Submit a new time
Update a previously submitted time with new/revised information
Sum the total time worked on a specific project
Delete a time
Query the TimeSync server for submitted times with optional filters
Query the TimeSync server for projects with optional filters
Query the TimeSync server for activities with optional filters
Query the TimeSync server for users with optional filters

Admin-only options:

Create a new project
Update a project with new/revised information
Delete a project
Create a new activity
Update an activity with new/revised information
Delete an activity
Create a new user
Update a user with new/revised information
Delete a user

Scripting Mode

In addition to providing an interactive shell, Climesync also allows commands to be run from the command line. This is useful when calling Climesync from shell scripts and makes automating repetitive tasks for admins a breeze!

Scripting mode accepts arguments and options in the usual bash script format with one addition. To pass a list of values to a command, you format the values as a space-separated list enclosed within square brackets. For example:

(venv) $ ./ get-times --user="[user1 user2 user3]"

This example gets all the time entries submitted either by user1, user2, or user3.

When running Climesync in scripting mode, authentication can be done by specifying the username and password as command line arguments or by using the configuration file (See below)

To get a list of scripting mode commands, run

(venv) $ ./ --help

To get help for a specific scripting mode command, run

(venv) $ ./ <command_name> --help

Climesync Configuration

On the first run of the program in interactive mode, the configuration file .climesyncrc is created in the user's home directory. This configuration file stores server information and user credentials. If Climesync is going to only be run in interactive mode then manually editing this file manually won't be necessary because Climesync will handle updating these values while it's being run in interactive mode,

Information on the structure of this file can be obtained here.

The following configuration values are stored under the "climesync" header in .climesyncrc:

Key Description
timesync_url The URL of the TimeSync server to connect to on startup
username The username of the user to authenticate as on startup
password The password of the user to authenticate as on startup
autoupdate_config Turn off prompts to automatically update your config when connecting to a new server or signing in as a new user